Lori Krueger
Graduate Student, (UC Davis)
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (College of Biological Sciences)
Erin Dunn
Graduate Student, UCSD
Working with Ronald M. Evans, a professor in the Gene Expression Laboratory at the Salk Institute
Shang-You, Tee Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Fellow, CCD
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvannia
Department of Chemistry
Leah Spellen
Blink's Fellow (K.M. Sherrard, Ph.D.) Summer 2005
Katharine J Liang
Blink's Fellow (Littlefield, RS) Summer 2007
Fellow, NIH
NEI (National Eye Institute)

Lisa Nagy
Associate Professor, University of Arizona
Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Jalal K Baruni
Research Tech, University of Washington
Department of Biological Structure