Autumn Quarter, Research Apprenticeship
September 29 - December 11, 2003
Biology 499 (15 credits)
The Center for Cell Dynamics' research apprenticeship course "Gene Network Dynamics and Cell Behavior" was held for the first time at Friday Harbor Labs in the fall quarter of 2003. The course was supported by the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences and by scholarships from the Mary Gates Foundation and Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The faculty comprised Drs. Ed Munro, Garrett Odell, Kristin Sherrard (TA), and George von Dassow.
Last day of class - back row, left to right: Lisa Nagy, Ed Munro, Garry Odell, Chris Schoff, Ryan Gile, George von Dassow, James Lee; front row: Mary Anne Pultz, Kristin Sherrard, Sarah Stockwell, Eliana Hechter, Tammie Robinson; kneeling: Adriana Dawes, Maria-Jose Bravo, Alex Hart.