Figure 5

Small Fig. 5 image. Link to large version in new window, 268K. Description follows.


Figure 5. Apical views (top two rows) and basal views (bottom two rows) of a 3-D reconstruction at anaphase 10 ( color code and general features as in Fig 3.). We substantially boosted F-actin's brightness to make its spatial organization visible. ( Fig. 2 [840 x 600 pixels, 264K] shows correct relative concentrations of F-actin and myosin in different mitotic cycle phases.) Most microtubules trace back to the centrosomes that nucleated them. The centrosomes, already replicated, are close together at the spindle poles. F-actin caps are visible in row 2 as they begin to form directly over centrosomes. In row 4, with microtubules invisible, the elevated concentration of F-actin in the regions occupied by asters is easy to see. F-actin particles are distributed throughout the cytoplasm, far from the cortex, but are most concentrated amongst the forming astral microtubules.

Fig. 5 may be viewed in two larger sizes, opening in new windows sized as indicated, the large version [840 x 600 pixels, 264K] or the largest version [1530 x 800 pixels, 1.5MB].

Figure 5 anaphase cycle 10 QuickTime Movies

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