Ivan Vulovic
Cytokinesis, an essential stage of cell division in eukaryotic organisms, relies upon actin ring formation to cause septation. Despite the contractile ring’s fundamental role in cell division, its formation is not entirely understood nor have the mechanics been verified. A simplified in silico simulation of contractile ring formation based on the lateral contraction model in S. pombe shows qualitatively similar results to the processes seen with fluorescence imaging. The model also highlights the possible role of cytoplasmic myosin in formation of the contractile ring. Proteins involved in cytokinesis in S. pombe are well conserved, showing that an understanding of the process in fission yeast is likely extensible to more complex organisms.
Protein nodes on the cortex (white dots) nucleate actin filaments (red) through incorporated formin. These filaments randomly snake their way around the cortex and may associate with myosin motors in a neighboring node. By walking toward the formin-capped end of actin filaments, myosins can generate contractile forces that may serve to condense a loose network of protein nodes into a sharply defined contractile ring. |