package iterators; import*; import main.BetterTokenizer; import java.lang.*; import main.Model; import main.GeneralInput; import parameters.ParameterSet; public class PowellIterator extends ModelIterator implements Runnable { // Used in findBracket static final float GOLD = 1.618034f; // magnification ratio for subsequent intervals in findBracket static final float GLIMIT = 100.0f; // maximum magnification allowed for parabolic fit step static final float TINY = 1.0e-10f; // Used in Brent static final float ITMAX = 100; static final float CGOLD = 0.3819660f; static final float ZEPS = 1.0e-5f; // Used in linMin static final float TOL = 1.0e-3f; static final float HUGE = 1.0e20f; float [][] drct; // array of current minimization directions. float [] dub; // current upper bounds (in arc length) along current directions float [] dlb; // current lower bounds (in arc length) along current directions float f_tol; // stop if fractional decrease in objective // function after one iteration step is less than ftol public PowellIterator() {} // Have a no argument initializer so we can do new_by_name public void loadParameters(BetterTokenizer tokenizer) throws Exception { super.loadParameters(tokenizer); // The grunt work is done by parent class } // Put any parameters specific to this iterator class in here, as if clauses. protected void loadParameter(String info, BetterTokenizer tokenizer) throws Exception { if(info.equals("tolerance")) {GeneralInput.nextToken(tokenizer); f_tol = (float)tokenizer.nval; } else super.loadParameter(info, tokenizer); } /***************************************************************** // ******* This version of F for diagnostic purposes only public float F(float [] thePoint) { numFunctionCalls++; return (10 + SQR(thePoint[0]) + SQR(thePoint[1])); } // ******* This version of F for diagnostic purposes only //*****************************************************************/ // MODIFICATION emm 4/19 public ModelIterator copy() throws Exception { PowellIterator newIter = new PowellIterator(); newIter.init(, this.model); newIter.f_tol = this.f_tol; newIter.nParsTV = this.nParsTV; newIter.parsTV = this.parsTV.copy(); newIter.theFunction = this.theFunction.copy(); return newIter; } // END MODIFICATION private void findBoundaries(int ivec) { // finds constraint boundaries along direction ivec. float maxstep = HUGE; float dum; float [] lb = parsTV.getLowerBounds(); float [] ub = parsTV.getUpperBounds(); // assume at least for now that current p[] lies within all bounds // find upper bound. for(int i = 0; i < nParsTV; i++) { if(drct[ivec][i] > 0.0f) { // headed towards upper bound if((dum = (ub[i] - p[i])/drct[ivec][i]) < maxstep) maxstep = dum; } else if(drct[ivec][i] < 0.0f){ // headed towards lower bound if((dum = (lb[i] - p[i])/drct[ivec][i]) < maxstep) maxstep = dum; } } dub[ivec] = maxstep; // now find lower bound. maxstep = -(HUGE); for(int i = 0; i < nParsTV; i++) { if(drct[ivec][i] > 0.0f) { // headed towards lower bound if((dum = (lb[i] - p[i])/drct[ivec][i]) > maxstep) maxstep = dum; } else if(drct[ivec][i] < 0.0f) { // headed towards upper bound if((dum = (ub[i] - p[i])/drct[ivec][i]) > maxstep) maxstep = dum; } } dlb[ivec] = maxstep; } private float checkBounds(float x, int ivec) { // check if x exceeds any bounds. Return // x if not, dub[ivec] if hit upper, // dlb[ivec] if hit lower. float maxstep = x; float dum; if(x > dub[ivec]) return dub[ivec]; else if (x < dlb[ivec]) return dlb[ivec]; else return(x); } private float f1dim(float x, int ivec) { // compute f at at distance x along direction drct[ivec] from p float [] thePoint = new float [nParsTV]; for(int j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) thePoint[j] = p[j] + x*drct[ivec][j]; return F(thePoint); } private boolean findBracket(float [] pts,float [] f_at_pts,int ivec) { float ulim,u,r,q,fu,dum,a,b,c,fa,fb,fc; /* for(float inc = 0f; inc < 0.4f; inc+=0.001) f1dim(pts[1] + inc,ivec); */ a = pts[0]; b = pts[1]; c = pts[2]; fa = f_at_pts[0]; fb = f1dim(b,ivec); if(fb > fa) { // switch a and b to aim downhill dum = a; a = b; b = dum; dum = fa; fa = fb; fb = dum; } c = b + GOLD*(b - a); if((dum = checkBounds(c,ivec)) != c) { // means we hit a constraint pts[0] = a; pts[1] = b; pts[2] = dum; f_at_pts[0] = fa; f_at_pts[1] = fb; f_at_pts[2] = f1dim(dum,ivec); if(f_at_pts[2] > fb) return true; else return false; } else fc = f1dim(c,ivec); while(fb > fc) { // otherwise keep returning here until we bracket. r = (b - a)*(fb - fc); // compute u by parabolic extrapolation from a,b,c. q = (b - c)*(fb - fa); u = b - ((b - c)*q - (b - a)*r)/(2.0f*SIGN(Math.max(Math.abs(q - r),TINY),q - r)); ulim = b + GLIMIT*(c - b); // we won't step farther than this no matter what. if((b - u)*(u - c) > 0.0f) { // parabolic u is between b and c. try it. fu = f1dim(u,ivec); if(fu < fc) { // got a minimum between b and c. pts[0] = b; pts[1] = u; pts[2] = c; f_at_pts[0] = fb; f_at_pts[1] = fu; f_at_pts[2] = fc; return true; } else if(fu > fb) { // got a minimum between a and u. pts[0] = a; pts[1] = b; pts[2] = u; f_at_pts[0] = fa; f_at_pts[1] = fb; f_at_pts[2] = fu; return true; } u = c + GOLD*(c - b); // parabolic fit no good. Use default magnification. } else if((u - a)/(b - a) <= 1) { // reject this u and use default magnification u = c + GOLD*(c - b); } else if((dum = checkBounds(u,ivec)) != u) { // means we hit a constraint. pts[0] = b; pts[1] = c; pts[2] = dum; f_at_pts[0] = fb; f_at_pts[1] = fc; f_at_pts[2] = f1dim(dum,ivec); if(f_at_pts[2] > fc) return true; else return false; } else if((c - u)*(u - ulim) > 0.0f) { // parabolic fit between c and ulim fu = f1dim(u,ivec); if(fu < fc) { b = c; c = u; u = u + GOLD*(u - b); fb = fc; fc = fu; } } else { // u > ulim. limit parabolic u to ulim. u = ulim; } if((dum = checkBounds(u,ivec)) != u) { // means we hit a constraint. pts[0] = b; pts[1] = c; pts[2] = dum; f_at_pts[0] = fb; f_at_pts[1] = fc; f_at_pts[2] = f1dim(dum,ivec); if(f_at_pts[2] > fc) return true; else return false; } else fu = f1dim(u,ivec); a = b; b = c; c = u; fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fu; } pts[0] = a; pts[1] = b; pts[2] = c; f_at_pts[0] = fa; f_at_pts[1] = fb; f_at_pts[2] = fc; return true; } private float brent(float [] pts, float f_at_x, int ivec, float tol) { int iter; float a,b,d,etemp,fu,fv,fw,fx,p,q,r,tol1,tol2,u,v,w,x,xm,ax,bx,cx; float e = 0.0f; // the distance moved step before last. System.out.println("starting brent"); d = 0.0f; ax = pts[0]; bx = pts[1]; cx = pts[2]; a = (ax < cx) ? ax: cx; // put a and b in ascending order. b = (ax > cx) ? ax: cx; x = w = v = bx; // start with middle point fw = fv = fx = f_at_x; // and its function value. for (iter = 1; iter < ITMAX; iter++) { xm = 0.5f*(a + b); tol2 = 2.0f*(tol1 = tol*Math.abs(x) + ZEPS); // System.out.println("x:\t" + x + "\txm:\t" + xm + "\ta:\t" + a + "\tb:\t" + b + // "\tb - a:\t" + (b - a) + "\ttol2:\t" + tol2); if (Math.abs(x - xm) <= (tol2 - 0.5f*(b - a))) { // test for done here. pts[1] = x; System.out.println("brent exited after" + iter + "iterations"); return fx; } if( Math.abs(e) > tol1) { // construct a trial parabolic fit. r = (x - w)*(fx - fv); q = (x - v)*(fx - fw); p = (x - v)*q - (x - w)*r; q = 2.0f*(q - r); if (q > 0.0f) p = -p; q = Math.abs(q); etemp = e; e = d; //System.out.println("x:\t" + x + "\tw:\t" + w + "\tv:\t" + v + "\tfx:\t" + fx + "\tfw:\t" + fw + "\tfv:\t" + fv + // "\tr:\t" + r + "\tq:\t" + q + "\tp:\t" + p); //System.out.println("etemp:\t" + etemp + "\tp/q:\t" + p/q + "\tu:\t" + (x + p/q)); if( Math.abs(p) >= Math.abs(0.5f*q*etemp) || p <= q*(a - x) || p >= q*(b - x)) { d = CGOLD*(e = (x >= xm ? a - x: b - x)); // System.out.println("golden mean: d = \t" + d + "\te = \t" + e); } // These above conditions determine the acceptibility of the parabolic fit. // Now take the golden section step into the larger of the two segments. else { d = p/q; u = x + d; if(u - a < tol2 || b - u < tol2) d = SIGN(tol1,xm - x); } } else { // System.out.println("golden mean: e was\t" + e); d = CGOLD*(e = (x >= xm ? a - x: b - x)); // System.out.println("now e is\t" + e + "\td is \t" + d); } u = Math.abs(d) >= tol1 ? x + d : x + SIGN(tol1,d); fu = f1dim(u,ivec); // System.out.println("u:\t" + u + "\tfu:\t" + fu); // System.out.println(); if (fu <= fx) { // now decide what to do with our function evaluation. if(u >= x) a = x; else b = x; v = w; w = x; x = u; fv = fw; fw = fx; fx = fu; } else { if(u < x) a = u; else b = u; if(fu <= fw || w == x) { v = w; w = u; fv = fw; fw = fu; } else if(fu <= fv || v == x || v == w) { v = u; fv = fu; } } } System.out.println("too many iterations in brent"); pts[1] = x; return fx; } private float linMin(float [] xi,int ivec, float f_at_p) { // minimizes F along direction drct[ivec] // starting at p. Resets p and returns F(p). float [] pts = {0.0f,0.01f,0.0f}; float [] f_at_pts = {f_at_p,0.0f,0.0f}; float xmin, ret; int j; if(findBracket(pts,f_at_pts,ivec)) { println("Found a bracketing triplet: a = " + pts[0] + " f[a] = " + f_at_pts[0] + "\tb = " + pts[1] + " f[b] = " + f_at_pts[1] + "\tc = " + pts[2] + " f[c] = " + f_at_pts[2]); ret = brent(pts,f_at_pts[1],ivec,TOL); } else { ret = f_at_pts[2]; // hit a constraint boundary; use that as minimum println("hit a constraint boundary. Using it as the new minimum."); } for(j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) { xi[j] *= pts[1]; p[j] += xi[j]; } for(j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) findBoundaries(j); return ret; } // The iterators start() function is called to start the iterator searching, // and it makes a thread and starts that going. So this run() function should // be the top level of the iterator. public void reset() { // do this before every new run int i; // ELI 5/28 - using super.reset() instead of some of this /* if(verbose) { try { ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outFileName)); } catch(IOException e) { ps = null; } } nParsTV = parsTV.getNumParams(); // set local values of nParsTV p = parsTV.getParVals(); // and p from parsTV bombed = false; numFunctionCalls = 0; */ super.reset(); drct = new float [nParsTV] [nParsTV]; for(i = 0; i < nParsTV; i++) // initialize to unit vectors for(int j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) if(j == i) drct[i][j] = 1.0f; else drct[i][j] = 0.0f; dub = new float [nParsTV]; for(i = 0; i < nParsTV; i++) dub[i] = parsTV.getUpperBound(i); dlb = new float [nParsTV]; for(i = 0; i < nParsTV; i++) dlb[i] = parsTV.getLowerBound(i); for(i = 0; i < nParsTV; i++) findBoundaries(i); // initialize boundaries } //ELI 3/23 Changed from run to doRun public void doRun() { // minimize F from starting point p[] // with a set of initial directions drct[][]. At // the end p[] is at the best point and f_at_p // is set to F(p). int i, j, ibig; float del, fp, fptt=0, t, f_at_p=0f; float [] dirTemp, pt, ptt; reset(); dirTemp = new float [nParsTV]; pt = new float [nParsTV]; ptt = new float [nParsTV]; f_at_p = F(p); // can't assume we already have this value. for(j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) { // save the initial point pt[j] = p[j]; } for(int iter = 1;;iter++) { println(""); println("Start a new round of minimizations."); fp = f_at_p; ibig = 0; del = 0.0f; // will be the biggest function increase. for(i = 0; i < nParsTV; i++) { //loop over all directions in the set. println("MINIMIZING ALONG DIRECTION " + i + ":"); for(j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) dirTemp[j] = drct[i][j]; // copy the direction. fptt = f_at_p; f_at_p = linMin(dirTemp,i,f_at_p); // minimize along it and set f_at_p. print("Linemin done. p = (" + p[0]); for(int par = 1; par < nParsTV; par++) print("," + p[par]); println(");\tf[p] = " + f_at_p); if(Math.abs(fptt - f_at_p) > del) { // record if it's the largest decrease so far. del = Math.abs(fptt - f_at_p); ibig = i; } } if(2.0f*Math.abs(fp - f_at_p) <= f_tol*(Math.abs(fp) + Math.abs(f_at_p))) { // termination criterion. finalScore = f_at_p; super.stopRun(); return; } if(iter == ITMAX) System.out.println("powell exceeding maximum iterations"); for(j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) { ptt[j] = 2.0f*p[j] - pt[j]; // Construct the extrapolated point and the dirTemp[j] = p[j] - pt[j]; // average direction moved. Save the old pt[j] = p[j]; // starting point. } fptt = F(ptt); if(fptt < fp) { t = 2.0f*(fp - 2.0f*f_at_p + fptt)*SQR(fp - f_at_p - del) - del*SQR(fp - fptt); if(t < 0.0f) { // don't always change the direction set. for(j = 0; j < nParsTV; j++) { // save the new direction and... drct[ibig][j] = drct[nParsTV-1][j]; drct[nParsTV-1][j] = dirTemp[j]; } println(""); println("added a new direction and minimized along it."); f_at_p = linMin(drct[nParsTV-1],nParsTV-1,f_at_p); // move to its minimum. print("Linemin done. p = (" + p[0]); for(int par = 1; par < nParsTV; par++) print("," + p[par]); println(");\tf[p] = " + f_at_p); } } } } private float SIGN(float a, float b) { if(b >= 0) return Math.abs(a); else return -(Math.abs(a)); } private float SQR(float x) { return x*x; } }