package affectors; import main.Node; import main.Globals; /** Use for multiplicative inhibition of transcription. Formula is 1 minus our standard activation s-shaped curve, giving an upside-down s-shaped curve (our Psi function) with a half-maximal inhibition at K and the degree of non-linearity controlled by nu. This Affector is designed to work inside of a ProductAff. It inhibits if multiplied by another term - the value of this affector is positive, so it will not inhibit if you add it to another term. You should only use this Affector inside of an EnhancerRegion.
dnodex/dt = INHIBITOR^nu / (K^nu + INHIBITOR^nu)
Inhibitor [INHIBITOR] | The inhibitor Node. |
Half-maximal inhibition level [K_INHIBITORnodex] | The concentration of inhibitor at which transcription is reduced by half. |
Cooperativity [nu_INHIBITORnodex] | The non-linearity of the inhibiting function. The higher the value, the sharper the curves in the S-shaped inhibition function. |
public class TxnSiteInhibitorAff extends Affector {
/** The level of inhibition at which transcription inhibited half-maximally. */
int kParam,
/** The "cooperativity" exponent for inhibition. */
static final String desc = "Multiplicative inhibition of transcription - use for multiplying several activators and inhibitor inside Product";
static final String [] nodeDescriptions = {"Inhibitor"};
static final String [] paramDescriptions = {"Kappa: half-maximal level of inhibitor",
"nu: cooperativity of inhibition"};
public TxnSiteInhibitorAff() { }
protected void setLabelsAndTypes() {
setDescriptions(this.desc, nodeDescriptions, paramDescriptions);
this.Type[GUI_CAPABLE] = 1;
this.Type[MATHTYPE] = Affector.FF;
this.Type[TERMTYPE] = Affector.PRODUCTION;
public void setParameterNumbers(int [] param_nums)
kParam = param_nums[0];
nuParam = param_nums[1];
public float getValue(Node which_node) {
return Psi(Nodes[0].getIntegrationValue(),params[kParam],params[nuParam]);
&EnhancerRegionAff H_nodex
&endnodex &ProductAff
&endEnhancerRegion &TxnSiteActivatorAff ACTIVATOR K_ACTIVATORnodex nu_ACTIVATORnodex
&TxnSiteInhibitorAff INHIBITOR K_INHIBITORnodex nu_INHIBITORnodex