package affectors; import main.Node; import main.Globals; /** Returns zero as the derivative; use to lock a Node at a constant level, such as an initial condition that should persist indefinitely. Note that simply leaving the affector region for a Node blank will accomplish the same thing.

dnodex/dt = 0

No Parameters


&endnodex */ public class NoChangeAff extends Affector { static final String desc = "Lock a Node at its present value"; public NoChangeAff() {} protected void setLabelsAndTypes() { setDescriptions(this.desc, null, null); this.Type[GUI_CAPABLE] = 1; this.Type[CERTIFICATION] = Affector.RETURNS_DERIV; this.Type[MATHTYPE] = Affector.CC; this.Type[TERMTYPE] = Affector.CONVERSION; } public void setParameterNumbers(int [] param_nums) {} // no parameters public float getValue(Node which_node) { return 0.0f; } }